Tomorrow is Class Picture Day! 📷 Students do not need to wear uniforms. Click on the link to view more information
Moya participará en el "Kids Heart Challenge" para recaudar dinero para la American Heart Association ❤️. Los estudiantes aprenden cómo mantener sus corazones saludables mientras recaudan fondos y ayudan a otros. Los estudiantes que recauden dinero ganarán premios. Haga clic en el enlace para obtener más información.
Moya will be participating in the Kids Heart Challenge to raise money for the American Heart Association ❤️. Students learn how to keep their hearts healthy while raising funds and helping others. Students raising money will earn prizes. Click on the link for more information
Free Tax Preparation for qualified individuals. Please visit for more information.
View our February Newsletter!💌
Congratulations to our PBIS Students of the Month for the month of January!
Low cost, home internet with wifi provided by Cox for families with students K-12. Please see flyer for more information.
Hello Moya Families,
Class Picture Day is Wednesday, February 2nd.
Students do not need to wear their uniforms.
Reminder: Half Day
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Dismissal at 12:00 PM
Hello Moya Families,
Please ensure that your child does not bring any toys to school. Students tend to share their toys and could pass around unwanted germs. We ask that they keep their toys at home. We appreciate your understanding.
Hello Moya Families,
You can now place your order for FREE at-home Covid-19 tests from USPS with the link below. Residential households in the U.S. can order 1 set of 4 free at-home tests. 📬📦
*Limit of 1 order per residential address
*1 order includes 4 individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests
*Orders will ship free starting in late January
*Fill in the form with your contact and shipping information to order your tests.
Great job to our 3 Moya Spelling Bee finalists who participated in the Isaac School District No. 5 Spelling Bee last week. Thank you for representing Moya! ✨🎉🐝
Hello Moya Families,
Reminder, there is no school tomorrow. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 18th.
Join us today for our virtual Governing Board Meeting
Hello Moya Community,
We want to keep our community safe. Please view the upcoming Covid-19 vaccine and testing events within the Isaac School District.
Hello Moya Families,
Just a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday January 13th is a half day. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 PM. Thank you!
Hello Parents, Quarter 2 reports cards are now available on Parent Vue.
Good morning Moya Families,
We want to ensure the safety of our students and staff at all times. Please do not send your students to school if they are sick. Please contact the office if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Reminder: Upcoming half days are January 6, 7, 13 and 27th.
Recordatorio: Los próximos medios días son el 6, 7, 13 y 27 de enero.
Educational applications such as iReady and Imagine Learning help each student improve their reading and math skills. These applications also help our english language learners. Here are the weekly minute goals for our students.