Congratulations to our PBIS Students of the Month for February.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
SOTM February
Please contact our office if you are interested in enrolling your child for kindergarten at Moya! 😊 Visit for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Kinder enrollment
Intent to Apply Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center The Isaac Elementary School District No. 5 is pleased to announce the intent to submit the competitive grant application for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) after-school program, to Arizona Department of Education. The 21st CCLC grant will offer free after school enrichment activities, academic support and homework assistance to support and enhance student’s achievement and personal growth. In accordance with federal statute, Isaac School District is required to inform our community and our stakeholders regarding our intent to apply for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Grant. The following schools intend to apply: Butler Elementary, Esperanza Elementary, JB Sutton Elementary, Moya Elementary, and P.T. Coe Elementary.
almost 3 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Public Notice
Hello Moya Families, Just a reminder that Thursday, February 24th is a Half Day for students.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Half Day Feb 24
Happy Presidents' Day to our Moya Families. Classes will resume tomorrow, February 22, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Presidents Day
Thank you to everyone who donated money for the Kids Heart Challenge American Heart Association. We raised a total of $995.46 at Moya Elementary! Alexa G. will get a chance to pie Dr. LoMonaco in the face and our other grade level winners will get to pie Mr. Briggs! Pies will be done at a later date.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
KHC Raised money for KHC
Presidents' Day on Monday February 21st. There will be no school.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Presidents Day
Good morning Moya Families, We ask that you please fill out the survey bellow. This information will help our parent educator understand parents’ needs and implement them in the upcoming parent education calendar. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Happy Valentine's Day to all of our Moya Families!❤
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Valentines Day 2022
Students can bring in their money for the Kids Heart Challenge on Thursday, February 17th.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Hello Moya Families, Please watch Dr. LoMonaco's message to families about the AZELLA Test that begins on Monday. Traducción al español a continuación: Buenas noches Familias de Moya, No olviden que el lunes por la mañana los alumnos de 1°, 2° y 3° grado estarán tomando el examen AZELLA. Si se pregunta si su hijo/a toma el examen AZELLA, se lo enviaron a casa con un volante que dice si tomará o no el examen. Es importante que lleguen a la escuela a tiempo el lunes, listos para aprender, desayunando saludablemente, descansando bien por la noche y listos para dar su mejor esfuerzo en el examen. Para los niños que tomen el examen AZELLA la próxima semana, tendremos una rifa para los estudiantes que tengan prefecto de asistencia. Participarán en una rifa para ganar premios como una bicicleta, un Kindle o tiempo en nuestra nuevo cuarto de juegos PBIS con nuestro nuevo televisión de pantalla grande y nuestro Nintendo Switch. Así que asegúrese de que sus estudiantes estén aquí a tiempo y listos para el examen. Anímelos a hacer su mejor esfuerzo. Gracias y que tenga una buena noche y nos vemos pronto.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Hello Moya Families, We look forward to celebrating with our students in a healthy and safe way. ❤
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Valentines Day Celebration Expectations
Hello Moya Families, Please watch Dr. LoMonaco's message to 3-5th grade families about the State Writing Field Test. Traducción al español a continuación: Prueba Estatal de Escritura Buenas noches Familias de Moya, Este mensaje es para nuestras familias de 3°, 4° y 5° grado. No olvide que tenemos nuestra prueba estatal de escritura mañana. Comenzaremos una vez que comiencen las clases a las 8:00 AM. Por favor asegúrese de que su estudiante llegue a la escuela a tiempo, que descanse bien por la noche y tome un buen desayuno. Le agradecemos de antemano por llevar a sus hijos a la escuela a tiempo y listos para nuestro examen estatal. ¡Vamos Mustangs!
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
The student who raises the most money for the Kids Heart Challenge will be the lucky one to pie our principal in the face! 🥧 Please give all donations to Mr. Briggs on February 17th. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Pie LoMonaco
Reminder: Students will be dismissed at 1:10 PM on 2/9, 2/10, and 2/11 due to parent/teacher conferences.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences will be held from February 9-11th. Students will be dismissed early at 1:10 PM these days.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
PTC Feb 2022
The Book Fair is this week 📖 Students will be able to shop in person with cash, card, or eWallet. We apologize but no parents/visitors are allowed on campus due to our mitigation plan. Parents are able to shop online at Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Book fair now
Hello Moya Community, If you are in need of Covid-19 vaccines or testing, please visit one of the upcoming events. Vaccines for children 5 years and older are available. ISD students who receive 2 doses of the vaccine can receive a $100 Visa gift card at one of these events with proof of vaccine card. #ItPaysToBeSafe #ItsOurShotIsaac
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Vaccine Events in Feb
The Book Fair is coming to Moya next week! February 7-11th. Students will receive flyers to take home with more information. Click on the link for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Book fair next week
Hello Moya Parents/Guardians, If you would like to know more information about the Kids Heart Challenge, please click on the link.
almost 3 years ago, Moya Elementary School
Parent KHC Letter