Good morning Butler Community, Picture Retake Day will be Wednesday, November 9th. This is only for new students or students that want to retake their fall picture.
Buenas dias Comunidad de Butler, El Dia de Tomar Fotografias es el miercoles, 9 de noviembre. Este dia es solo para estudiantes nuevos o estudiantes que gustan volver a tomar su fotografia de otoño.

Good afternoon Butler Community,
Our Butler Book Fair will be open after school on Thursday, November 3rd from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm.
Buenos tardes Comunidad de Butler,
Nuestra Feria del Libro de Butler estará abierta después de escuela el jueves, 3 de noviembre de 12:30 pm a 1:30 pm.

Hello Butler Community,
Our students earn Bulldog Bucks for being Responsible, Respectful and Safe. Then the Bulldog Bucks are turned in for a raffle. Our Bulldog Bucks winners receive a personalized pizza and 100 tokens for Peter Piper Pizza, a marvelous pencil and delicious treat. Let's earn Bulldog Bucks for the next raffle!
Buenas dias Comunidad de Butler,
Nuestros estudiantes reciben Bulldog Bucks por ser Responsables, Respetuosos y Seguros. Despues, los Bulldog Bucks se entregan para una rifa. Nuestros ganadores de Bulldog Bucks reciben una pizza personalizada y 100 tokens para Peter Piper Pizza, un maravilloso lápiz y un delicioso manjar. ¡Vamos a ganar Bulldog Bucks para la próxima rifa!

Good morning Butler Community,
Join us for Coffee with the Principal Virtually from 8:30-9:15 am. on Wednesday, November 2nd.
Buenas dias Comunidad de Butler,
Únase con nosotros para un Café con la Directora virtualmente a las 8:30-9:15 am. el miércoles 2 de noviembre.

Good morning Butler Community,
We invite you to our book fair. Please click on https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/butlerbulldogs
Buenos días Comunidad de Butler,
Los invitamos a nuestra Feria del libro. Por favor, haga clic en

Good morning Butler Community,
We will be hosting a Butler Fall Festival on Friday, October 28th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. We hope to see you in our Festival.
Buenos días Comunidad Butler,
Tendremos un Festival de Otoño de Butler el viernes 28 de octubre de 5:00 pm a 7:00 pm. Esperamos verlos en nuestro festival.

Good morning Butler Community,
We will be hosting a Butler Fall Festival on Friday, October 28th from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. We hope to see you in our Festival.
Buenos días Comunidad Butler,
Tendremos un Festival de Otoño de Butler el viernes 28 de octubre de 4:30 pm a 7:00 pm. Esperamos verlos en nuestro festival.

Good morning Butler Community,
Please review our Butler schedule.
Buenos días Comunidad Butler,
Por favor revise nuestro horario de Butler.

Good afternoon Butler Community,
We will be participating in Red Ribbon during the week of October 24-28, 2022. Please read the attached flier for more details. If students decided not to participate then the students need to wear a school uniform.
Buenas tardes Comunidad Butler,
Estaremos participando en Red Ribbon durante la semana del 24 al 28 de octubre de 2022. Lea el folleto adjunto para obtener más detalles. Si el estudiante decide no participar el estudiante debe usar su uniforme a la escuela.

Good afternoon Butler Community,
Picture Retake Day will be Wednesday, November 9th.
This is only for new students or students that want to retake their fall picture.
Buenas tardes Comunidad de Butler,
El Dia de Tomar Fotografias es el miercoles, 9 de noviembre.
Este dia es solo para estudiantes nuevos o estudiantes que gustan volver a
tomar su fotografia de otoño.

Good afternoon Butler Community,
We will be participating in Red Ribbon during the week of October 24-28, 2022. Please read the attached flier for more details.
Buenas tardes Comunidad Butler,
Estaremos participando en Red Ribbon durante la semana del 24 al 28 de octubre de 2022. Lea el folleto adjunto para obtener más detalles.

Good evening Butler Families,
Thank you so much for bringing your child to school today. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Read the attached flier for more information. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFPWgVjn3I/BfWoJDCjQqhxC-amI3SrgA/view?utm_content=DAFPWgVjn3I&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
Buenas noches Familias de Butler,
Muchas gracias por traer a su hijo/a a la escuela hoy. Esperamos verlos mañana. Lea el folleto adjunto para obtener más información.

Good afternoon Butler Families,
Please click on the link below for Fall Break information. School will resume on Monday, October 17th.
Buenos tardes Familias de Butler,
Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para obtener información sobre las Vacaciones de Otoño. La escuela se reanudará el lunes 17 de octubre.

Good afternoon Butler Community,
We are looking forward to seeing you during our Parent Teacher Conferences. If you need to schedule a conference please call 602-442-2300.
Buenas tardes de Butler,
Esperamos verlos durante nuestras Conferencias de Padres y Maestros. Si necesita programar una conferencia, llame al 602-442-2300

Hello Families,
Reminder, there will be no after school clubs on October 5th, 6th, and 7th. The morning Isaac Learning Club is still available all week.

The Isaac School District offers before and after school programs to all grade levels. The FREE program provides homework help, hands-on activities, healthy snacks, and a safe environment. For more information or to register your child, please contact us.

Hello Families,
Just a reminder that ALL Thursdays are Half Day Dismissal.

Join us for the Annual Isaac Back to School Health Fair! Backpacks, school supplies, resources and basic screenings at NO COST. Saturday, July 30th from 9:00 am-1:00 pm Isaac Middle School 3402 West McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85009

Meet the Teacher Night is only one week away! Join us on Thursday, August 4th from 4:00-6:00 pm.

We are excited to see our students on the first day of school!