Hello Families,
Reminder, there will be no after school clubs on October 5th, 6th, and 7th. The morning Isaac Learning Club is still available all week.
The Isaac School District offers before and after school programs to all grade levels. The FREE program provides homework help, hands-on activities, healthy snacks, and a safe environment. For more information or to register your child, please contact us.
Hello Families,
Just a reminder that ALL Thursdays are Half Day Dismissal.
Join us for the Annual Isaac Back to School Health Fair! Backpacks, school supplies, resources and basic screenings at NO COST. Saturday, July 30th from 9:00 am-1:00 pm Isaac Middle School 3402 West McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85009
Meet the Teacher Night is only one week away! Join us on Thursday, August 4th from 4:00-6:00 pm.
We are excited to see our students on the first day of school!
Welcoming our new staff members to Alta E. Butler Elementary! Thank you to our amazing staff members for participating in the ISD New Staff Orientation this week.
Join us for the Annual Isaac Back to School Health Fair! Backpacks, school supplies, resources and basic screenings at NO COST.
Saturday, July 30th from 9:00 am-1:00 pm
Isaac Middle School
3402 West McDowell Road,
Phoenix, AZ 85009
Join us for Meet the Teacher on Thursday, August 4, 2022 from 5:00-6:00 pm! We look forward to meeting you all!
Parents - Great opportunities for all our Isaac School Community. Please take a moment to look.
Nuestros pensamientos y solidaridad están con las familias y la comunidad que se han visto afectadas por el trágico incidente de ayer en la comunidad de Uvalde, Texas.
Los padres/madres pueden ayudar a sus niños/as sentirse seguros estableciendo un sentido de normalidad y seguridad y hablando con ellos sobre sus miedos. Usted puede encontrar consejos para hablar con su hijo/a haciendo clic aquí: https://5il.co/1b34c
Nosotros continuaremos implementando nuestros protocolos de seguridad para responder rápidamente a situaciones de emergencia en cada escuela.
Por favor, tome en cuenta que seguimos manteniendo la seguridad como nuestra prioridad número uno.
Our thoughts and hearts are with the families and community who have been affected by the tragic incident yesterday in Uvalde, Texas.
Parents can help children feel safe by establishing a sense of normalcy and security and by talking with them about their fears. Tips for talking to your child can be found by clicking here: https://5il.co/1b34b
We will continue to implement our safety protocols for responding quickly to emergency situations at each site.
Please know we continue to hold safety as our number one priority.
Last Day of School - Ultimo Dia De Clases
Kindergarten & 5th Grade Promotion Information
Butler's Extended Learning Summer Program: Click here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE-wcXc0m0/nDRQ5iT114o9J25Zkemhsg/watch?utm_content=DAE-wcXc0m0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Parents please take a moment to click on our invitation to all Butler students to our summer program. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the front office.
Don't have your child miss out on 16 days of fun learning! Register you child for our summer program.
¡No permita que su hijo se pierda los 16 días de aprendizaje divertido! Registre a su hijo en nuestro programa de verano.
2022-2023 Alta E. Butler Elementary Kindergarten Registration - Enroll Now
Our 3rd - 5th grade students will be taking their state assessments. Please support your child by being here everyday and especially on those days that they are scheduled to be tested. Thank you!
Nuestros estudiantes de 3º a 5º grado tomarán sus evaluaciones estatales. Por favor, apoye a su hijo estando aquí todos los días y especialmente en los días en que están programados para la prueba. ¡Gracias!
Butler School Parents, We invite all our students to join us for 16 days of fun and engaging activities focusing on learning during our Summer Program. Starting on May 31st to June 21st from 8:00 am to 12:30pm. Come join the fun!
Padres de Escuela Butler , Invitamos a todos nuestros estudiantes a unirse a nosotros durante 16 días de actividades divertidas y atractivas centradas en el aprendizaje durante nuestro Programa de verano. A partir del 31 de mayo al 21 de junio de 8:00 am a 12:30 pm. ¡Únese a la diversión!
Butler Parents,
We are now enrolling for next year's Kindergarten students. If you have any questions, please join us today to Meet Butler Kindergarten Teachers. We will be here until 4:30pm.