Dear Parent/Guardian,

As we strive to ensure that our district provides participation and stakeholder input, we request your thoughts on the 2024-2025 school year calendar. In preparation for the upcoming school year, we ask for your insights as they will help shape our plans. The ISD Calendar Committee has proposed two options for the upcoming academic year: a traditional calendar, similar to what we have used in the past, and a modified calendar with two-week breaks in fall, winter, and spring. Additionally, the modified calendar provides extended learning opportunities (intersession) during the first week of fall and spring break.

Your feedback will play a significant role in determining the final school calendar before presenting it to Superintendent Dr. Ventura and the ISD Governing Board. We use the ThoughtExchange platform to collect your opinions, allowing everyone to share their perspectives and understand the group's preferences. Participation in the exchange is confidential, ensuring that shared or rated thoughts remain anonymous. Please share your insights and rate the thoughts provided by others until November 30, 2023. Your contributions are incredibly valuable.

You can participate in the survey by visiting

Thank you for your time.

ISD Calendar Committee