As we continue our ongoing efforts in school improvement and meeting the best needs of our students, please ensure your contact information (phone number and email) are updated with your school office. Our annual surveys will be sent via text message and email with a specific link for each child starting next week. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching next week! Students will have half day dismissal during these days February 7-9, 2024. Our teachers look forward to discussing with you your child's accomplishments and academic goals. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
Butler School will have Parent Teacher Conferences the week of February 5th. A Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up form will be sent home with your child. Please sign up and return the form to your child’s teacher. We are looking forward to meeting with you all!
La escuela Butler va a tener Conferencias de Padres y Maestros la semana del 5 de febrero. Una forma para inscribirse para una Conferencia de Padres y Maestros será mandada con su hijos/as a casa. Por favor escribase para una cita de conferencia y regrese la forma con la maestra/o de su hijo/a. ¡Estamos deseando reunirnos con todos ustedes!
Girl Scouts at Butler will be selling cookies every Monday and Wednesday from 3:00-3:15 pm and Thursday from 12:00-12:15 pm at West Gate by 39th ave and Roosevelt.
Girl Scouts at Butler venderán galletas todos los lunes y miércoles de 3:00 a 3:15 p. m. y los jueves de 12:00 a 12:15 pm en la Puerta del Oeste en la 39th ave y Roosevelt.
Group Picture Day on Wednesday, January 31st.
Students can wear regular clothes.
Día de Fotografías de Grupo el miércoles 31 de enero.
Los estudiantes pueden usar ropa normal.
Students can go into the cafeteria for morning recess from 7:35-7:45 am.
Los estudiantes pueden ir a la cafetería para el recreo de la mañana de 7:35 a 7:45 am.
No school on Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
No habrá clases el lunes 15 de enero en conmemoración del Día de Martin Luther King Jr.
Please join us for Coffee with the Principal on Wednesday, January 10th from 8:30 am - 9:15 am.
Por favor acompáñenos al Café con la Directora el miércoles, 10 de enero de 8:30 am a 9:15 am.
Welcome back to school!
¡Bienvenidos de nuevo a la escuela!
Our Butler students return to school on Monday, January 8th. The gates open at 7:35 am. Thank you for brining your child to school on time.
Happy New Year Butler Community!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo Comunidad de Butler!
Wishing all of our Isaac students, staff and families a restful, safe, and healthy winter break. Friendly reminder, there will be no school from December 25th-January 5th. Classes will resume on Monday, January 8, 2024.
Important upcoming dates
Próximas fechas importantes
Check out the Parent Educator Newsletter!
¡Consulte el boletín informativo para padres y educadores!
All Butler students and staff are welcome to participate in the Butler Holiday Spirit Week!
¡Todos los estudiantes y el personal de Butler son bienvenidos a participar en la Semana del Espíritu de Invierno de Butler!
Join us for Heart of Isaac's Community Resource Day and meet with 15+ community organizations. This Resource Day is free and open to the public full of free health screenings, free produce, and so much more.
Heart of Isaac Community Center
Wednesday, December 13th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
1403 N. 32nd Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85009
There will be no afternoon ILC on Thursday, December 14th and 21st. Thank you for picking up your child at 12 pm.
No habrá clases de ILC por la tarde el jueves 14 y 21 de diciembre. Gracias por recoger a su hijo/a a las 12 pm.
Interested in a glimpse of our schools and students' achievements? Read our monthly school newsletters!
Hello Butler Community,
We are excited to share the Butler December Newsletter. Please click on the following link to view it:
Hola Comunidad de Butler,
Estamos emocionados por compartir el Boletín de Butler de diciembre. Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para verlo:
There will be no after school program and no afternoon ILC on Thursday, December 14th. Thank you for picking up your child on time.
No habrá programa después de clases ni ILC por la tarde el jueves 14 de diciembre. Gracias por recoger a su hijo a tiempo.