Happening Today! FREE Covid-19 Vaccines at Morris K. Udall Middle School from 8:00am-12:00pm
Morris K. Udall Middle School
3715 West Roosevelt Phoenix, AZ 85009
Join us tomorrow at Morris K. Udall to get your FREE Covid-19 Vaccine from 8:00 am-12:00 pm.
Morris K. Udall Middle School
3715 West Roosevelt Phoenix, AZ 85009
FREE Covid-19 Vaccines
When: Saturday, December 4th
Time: 8:00am-12:00pm
Where: Morris K. Udall Middle School 3715 West Roosevelt Phoenix, AZ 85009
Isaac Parents/Guardians, We understand the importance of planning ahead, that is why we are proposing school calendars for the upcoming two years: 2022-2023 & 2023-2024. We value your voice and ask you to particpate by clicking on the link below and sharing your thoughts. www.isaacschools.org/thoughtexchange
Isaac Families & Community,
We invite you to join us at our upcoming Free vaccine event at Mitchell Elementary this Saturday, November 27, 2021 from 8AM-12PM. Pfizer vaccines are available for children ages 5 and up.
1700 N. 41st Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009
Isaac Community,
We invite you to join us at our upcoming Free vaccine event at Morris K. Udall this Saturday, November 13, 2021 from 8AM-12PM. Pfizer vaccines are available for children ages 5 and up.
Isaac Community we invite you to join us tomorrow, Saturday, November 6, 2021, 8 AM - 12 PM for the COVID-19 Vaccine event at Joseph Zito Elementary. Vaccines are now available for children 5 years and older.
Covid-19 Vaccine for children question and answers with Dr. Rocha - www.isaacschools.org/isaacschooldistrict
Isaac Families & Community, Please join us for a Special Governing Board Meeting today.
Reminder: Join us for today's Facebook Live question & answers session with Dr. Rocha regarding Covid-19 vaccines for children ages 5-11.
Isaac Families & Community,
Join us for a Question and Answer Spanish Session regarding Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11. During this Facebook Live Dr. Rocha will respond to the questions from our parents/guardians. Knowledge is power as we continue to provide our Isaac Community with resources!
Dear Isaac Families and Staff,
Due to a lack of quorum, tonight's (Oct 28, 2021) Regular Governing Board Meeting and Study Session have been cancelled.
Thank you,
We invite you to join us virtually for tonight's Governing Board Meeting by visiting www.isaacschools.org/boardmeeting.
ISD Family and Community,
Please take a moment to read an important announcement regarding visitors on campus
Join us virtually for tonight's Governing Board Meeting by visiting www.isaacschools.org/boardmeeting
Important Message from ISD:
It was just announced today that judge Katherine Cooper issued an injunction blocking the state's ban on the face-mask mandate from taking effect in two days.
Isaac Elementary School District will continue to require staff, students and visitors to wear masks on all school campuses, following our health mitigation plan . The plan takes a multi-tiered approach to minimize health risks related to COVID-19. Mask wearing, handwashing, social distancing and staying home when experiencing COVID like symptoms are the recommendations provided by the CDC and county health leaders and followed in our plan.
While navigating the pandemic, it is important that we make changes and adjust to the conditions and needs of our community quickly. Please continue to look for information regarding updates to our health and safety procedures.
We ask that you work collaboratively with staff and students to promote effective health mitigation practices, so that we may continue to deliver on the promise to provide a quality education in the safest environment possible.
FREE Flu Shots for the community
Thursday, September 23, 2021 3:00pm -6:00pm (while supplies last)
1403 N. 43rd Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009
Heart of Isaac has partnered with Walgreens to provide flu shots for anyone 3 years & older.
Walk-ins welcome!
Health Insurance is not required. If you are insured, please bring your insurance card. Covid vaccines will also be available for ages 12 +
Isaac Families & Community
Join us for a COVID-19 Testing & Vaccination Event
Monday, September 20th, 7:15AM - 1:15 PM
at Isaac Middle School
Please note that the September 23rd Governing Board Regular Meeting has been rescheduled to September 30th
Isaac Families & Community
On Saturday, September 18, 2021, from 8am to 12 pm
Zito Elementary will have COVID-19 Vaccines available