Hello Isaac Families, There is still time to register your student to learn the fundamentals and sharpen their basketball skills. Please register here: www.isaacschools.org/basketball
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
basketball clinic
Isaac School District Governing Board Meeting www.isaacschools.org/boardmeeting
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
We are thankful for Corbin's Legacy partnership and donations to the Heart of Isaac Community Center. Corbin’s Legacy’s mission is to help school children through the elimination of food and medical insecurity in addition to providing other resources to families. Javier Soto from ABC15 News joined us this morning to learn more about this partnership and inform local communities of their contribution which was made possible by 100% volunteer work. Thank you to our amazing team at the Heart of Isaac for their continued support in providing resources to our Isaac Community. www.isaacschools.org/heartofisaac
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Corbin's Legacy
Isaac School District is excited to announce a 3% salary increase for ALL employees for the 2022-2023 school year. Isaac has historically provided a salary increase each year that is equal to or more than the inflation increase provided by the state. Thank you to all our ISD staff for their continued commitment to our community.
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
salary increase
Hello Isaac Families, Register for FREE Summer English Classes. Classes are offered at beginner & intermediate levels. Register here: www.isaacschools.org/clasesdeingles
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Hello Isaac Families, Register your student to learn the fundamentals and sharpen their basketball skills this month. Please register here: www.isaacschools.org/basketball
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
basketball clinic
Hello Isaac Community, Free breakfast and lunch are available at all school sites for children 18 years and younger. *Tuesday-Fridays *Breakfast 8:00-8:15 AM *Lunch 10:30-12:00 PM
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Hello Isaac Families, It's not too late to register for some FREE ISD Family Summer Classes. Click here to view list of classes: https://5il.co/1agzn Click here to register for classes: https://forms.gle/W9MHoCAFEpa35ufr9
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
summer classes
Hello Isaac Families, Are you interested in registering your student for basketball? Students will learn the fundamentals of the game and sharpen their basketball skills. *For students in 4-8th grade Please register here: www.isaacschools.org/basketball
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
basketball clinic
Hello Isaac Community, Breakfast and lunch meals are available at all school sites at no cost for children 18 years and younger.
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Hello Isaac Families, Are you interested in registering your student for basketball? Students will learn the fundamentals of the game and sharpen their basketball skills. *For students in 4-8th grade Please register here: www.isaacschools.org/basketball
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
basketball clinic
Hello Isaac Families, Register for FREE Summer English Classes. Classes are offered at beginner & intermediate levels. Register here: www.isaacschools.org/clasesdeingles
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
english classes
Now Enrolling for the 2022-2023 School Year! For more information, please visit www.isaacschools.org/enroll
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
now enrolling
Hello Isaac Families, Don't forget to register for some FREE ISD Family Summer Classes. Click here to view list of classes: https://5il.co/1agzn Click here to register for classes: https://forms.gle/W9MHoCAFEpa35ufr9
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Summer classes
Isaac School District Governing Board Meeting www.isaacschools.org/boardmeeting ____ Reunión de la Mesa Directiva del Distrito Escolar Isaac www.isaacschools.org/boardmeeting
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Nuestros pensamientos y solidaridad están con las familias y la comunidad que se han visto afectadas por el trágico incidente de ayer en la comunidad de Uvalde, Texas. Los padres/madres pueden ayudar a sus niños/as sentirse seguros estableciendo un sentido de normalidad y seguridad y hablando con ellos sobre sus miedos. Usted puede encontrar consejos para hablar con su hijo/a haciendo clic aquí: https://5il.co/1b34c Nosotros continuaremos implementando nuestros protocolos de seguridad para responder rápidamente a situaciones de emergencia en cada escuela. Por favor, tome en cuenta que seguimos manteniendo la seguridad como nuestra prioridad número uno.
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Our thoughts and hearts are with the families and community who have been affected by the tragic incident yesterday in Uvalde, Texas. Parents can help children feel safe by establishing a sense of normalcy and security and by talking with them about their fears. Tips for talking to your child can be found by clicking here: https://5il.co/1b34b We will continue to implement our safety protocols for responding quickly to emergency situations at each site. Please know we continue to hold safety as our number one priority.
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Hello Isaac Families, Register for ISD Family Summer Classes. All programming is FREE and will be offered until June 30th. Click here to view list of classes: https://5il.co/1agzn Click here to register for classes: https://forms.gle/W9MHoCAFEpa35ufr9
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Tomorrow at Morris K. Udall Escuela De Bellas Artes from 4:00-7:30 pm. 3715 West Roosevelt Phoenix, AZ 85009
over 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Get your FREE Covid-19 vaccine and testing Thursday, May 19, 2022 4:00-7:30 pm At @Morris K. Udall Escuela De Bellas Artes 3715 West Roosevelt Phoenix, AZ 85009
almost 3 years ago, Isaac School District #5