Tonight’s Governing Board Meeting included the re-election of the Governing Board President for 2023 Ms. Patricia Jimenez and the re-election of Ms. Maria Guzman as Board Clerk. Thank you to our amazing ISD Board for their leadership and ongoing commitment. We look forward to seeing our Isaac Families at our next Governing Board Meeting on January 26, 2023 at Moya Elementary School.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Board President and Board Clerk
Families and staff sitting in the audience at a board meeting.
Assistant Superintendent presenting
Director of school leadership presenting.
Isaac School District Governing Board Meeting
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Governing Board Meeting will be held at 5:00 by visiting
Join us for the Community Resource Day at the Heart of Isaac Community Center on Wednesday, January 18th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Heart of Isaac 1403 N. 32nd Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Heart of Isaac's Community Resource Day. Wednesday, January 18th 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 1403 N. 32nd Ave. Come by and meet with 15+ community agencies and organizations. Free health screenings (adults and children), free flue shots (3 yrs +), free immigration consultations, food sales and free produce, Important information, resources and so much more! This is a warming hearts event in partnership with Molina Healthcare Molina Complete Care. Social media icons HeartofIsaac and HOIPHX
Save the date! Join us for our Annual High School Fair where you and your child can learn about 30+ different high schools and organizations to help prepare your child for their high school career. Wednesday, January 18, 2023 Pueblo Del Sol Middle School 3449 N. 39th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85019
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
The Isaac School District's Annual High School Fair, Wednesday, January 18, 2023 5:00-6:30 pm. Pueblo Del Sol Middle School 3449 N. 39th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85019. Over 30 different high schools and organizations to discover! Have a choice in your future.
January is School Board Recognition Month. Today and always we show our appreciation for our elected leaders who support our Isaac Scholars and Community. Thank you Isaac School Board Members for your unwavering support and commitment to the Isaac School District.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
School Board Recognition Month, Isaac Elementary School District Governing Board, Members and their pictures.
Happy New Year to our Isaac Community! We look forward to all the amazing things our students will accomplish this year. Friendly reminder, classes will resume on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Happy New Year 2023
Wishing all of our Isaac students, staff and families a restful, safe, and healthy winter break. Friendly reminder, there will be no school from December 21st-January 3rd. Classes will resume on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Happy Winter Break! No School December 21, 2022 - January 3, 2023.
Wellness at Work from Top Leaders: Mr. Kevin Sotomayor, Principal at Isaac Middle School, has remained committed to his wellness and self-care. Today he was recognized for leading with purpose!
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
superintendent and principal along with wellness coordinator with the wellness award
superintendent presenting wellness award to principal
Superintendent looking at the wellness award frame
Pueblo Del Sol Middle School celebrates their athletic achievements during their Fall Sports Banquet. Great job students for showing teamwork, dedication, and perseverance.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Student soccer player holding a trophy and soccer coach  taking a picture in front of a balloon set up
Soccer coaches handing out certificates to soccer players during awards ceremony.
Gold soccer player trophies and red carination flowers to hand out during awards ceremony.
Stay healthy as the holidays approach and join us for FREE COVID-19 vaccines, boosters and testing at Morris K. Udall Middle School. Saturday, December 17, 2022 | 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM Morris K. Udall Middle School 3715 W. Roosevelt Street, Phoenix, AZ 85009
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
COVID-19 Vaccines Ages 6 months and up #ItsOurShotIsaac Saturday, December 17, 2022 Morris K. Udall Middle School 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM
The Heart of Isaac Community Center hosted their Community Resource Day today. This event was a free event open to all and included over 15 community agencies and organizations. There were health screenings, vaccines, giveaways from the Phoenix Police Department, fresh produce, and so much more. Thank you to our community partners who contributed to this successful Community Resource Day.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Heart of isaac community center staff standing in front of their table giving out resources.
Isaac promotores, families who support the community and are servicing delicious food.
Parents helping distribute toys during the community resource day.
Staff members helping pass out fruits and vegetables to families.
Join us TODAY from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM at the Heart of Isaac Community Center. The Community Resource Day is full of produce, health screenings, organizations, and so much more! If you have any questions, please call 602-442-0583.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Heart of Isaac's Community Resource Day. Wednesday Dec. 14th 9:00am-12:00 pm 1403 N. 32nd Ave. Come by and meet with 15
Hello Isaac Community, As the holidays approach, we encourage everyone to stay up-to-date with vaccines and boosters. For more information, visit
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Stay Safe  Isaac Community. Tips on Staying Safe. Stay up-to-date with vaccinations. Boosters are recommended for everyone 5 years and older. CDC states flu vaccines and covid vaccines can be given at the same time.
Thank you to the West Valley Mavericks and the Phoenix Police Department, Maryvale Estrella Precinct for providing Isaac's students to participate in this amazing “Shop with a Cop” event. Our students were able to participate in an exclusive shopping experience with a Police Officer. Students purchased gifts for themselves and for their families. We appreciate this partnership.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Students with Santa and his elf standing in front of a helicopter.
Parent educator holding a sweater to see if it would fit a student while shopping.
student and parent educator at a cash register checking out items to buy in a store.
We invite you to join us for the Heart of Isaac’s Community Resource Day. This event is FREE and open to the public. Stop by and meet with 15+ community agencies and organizations. December 14, 2022 | 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM Heart of Isaac Community Center 1403 N. 32nd Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85009
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Heart of Isaac's Community Resource Day. Wednesday Dec. 14th 9:00am-12:00 pm 1403 N. 32nd Ave. Come by and meet with 15
The Heart of Isaac Community Center will be hosting their Community Resource Day on Wednesday, December 14th from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. There will be FREE health screenings, vaccines, produce, organizations, and so much more! Heart of Isaac 1403 N. 32nd Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009 602-442-0583
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Heart of Isaac's Community Resource Day. Wednesday Dec. 14th 9:00am-12:00 pm 1403 N. 32nd Ave. Come by and meet with 15+ community agencies and organizations. Free health screenings, covid and flu vaccines. Free immigration consultations. Giveaways from Phoenix PD, while supplies last. Food sales and free produce. Important information, resources,  and so much more! Heart of Isaac
Thank you to everyone who joined us tonight during our Governing Board Meeting at Alta E. Butler Elementary School. Principal, Ms. Elva Enriquez, presented amazing things happening at Butler such as school wide goals, student recognition ceremonies, family engagement, safety efforts, and the Isaac Learning Club. Students performed for our Isaac Families and Isaac Community with folklorico dancing, poem reading, and holiday singing.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Superintendent, governing board members, assistant superintendent, and principal standing in front of the isaac branded backdrop.
Elementary school students standing on stage reading poems.
Elementary school students dressed up and dancing to folkrico music on stage.
Staff members and soccer students standing together with their championship trophy.
Isaac School District Governing Board Meeting
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Governing Board Meeting will be held at 5:00 by visiting
Hello Isaac Community, Follow these simple steps to keep you and your family safe and healthy this holiday season.
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
Stay Safe Isaac Community. Tips on staying safe. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose with unwashed hands.  Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your sleeve, and immediately throw the tissue in the trash. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay home if you are sick.
Stay healthy as the holidays approach and join us for FREE COVID-19 vaccines, boosters and testing at Morris K. Udall Middle School. Saturday, December 17, 2022 | 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM Morris K. Udall Middle School 3715 W. Roosevelt Street, Phoenix, AZ 85009
about 2 years ago, Isaac School District #5
COVID-19 Vaccines Ages 6 months and up #ItsOurShotIsaac Saturday, December 17, 2022 Morris K. Udall Middle School 8:00 AM- 12:00 PM