Dear P.T. Coe Families,
The education and safety of our students are of the utmost importance at the Isaac School District. As such, we want to make you aware of an incident of indecent exposure that a student reported to us.
A group of students reported an indecent exposure incident involving an unidentified man at approximately 7:40 AM. The incident occurred in the alley between Wilshire and Sheridan while the students were on their way to school. We promptly notified the Phoenix Police Department, and the individual was apprehended.
The intent of this letter is not to cause undue alarm but to inform you of this situation so that you can discuss customary safety precautions with your child. Please take the time to remind your child about your expectations when they are outdoors in an unsupervised area, as well as other common safety rules and practices that might include:
Don’t talk to strangers or walk to an unknown vehicle at the driver’s request
Don’t accept anything from a stranger
Walk with an adult or group of friends to and from the bus stop
Follow the appropriate walking routes and stay in well-lit areas
Go directly home after school and check in with your parents/guardian upon arrival
Tell a trusted adult if approached by an unknown person or who finds themself in an uncomfortable situation
Ensuring the safety of every child is a collective responsibility. As a community, we must stand together, be vigilant in reporting any suspicious activities, and share information that could help maintain their safety.
Your Partner in Education,
Robyn Lee